Our Locksmiths in Tucson are here for you!

If you find yourself locked out of your vehicle, don’t waste time! A professional locksmith can be at the location quickly with new automotive tools in most cases.
It is important not only for safety reasons but also because trying to open a complex lock without assistance could cause damage or harm if used incorrectly by an inexperienced person who doesn't know what they're doing- which would then make matters much worse than before (and potentially result in a total loss).
If a child or pet is involved, don't forget to first call the police or fire department because in Tucson Az, being locked in a car can turn deadly in a very short period.
Our Services for autos include
- Emergency automotive locksmith services
- Lock Repairs
- Key Cutting
- Car Lock Rekeying
- Car Door Unlocking
- Laser Key Cutting
- Key Programming
- Car Lockout Services
- ECU Programming
- Key fob Replacement
- Car Keys- Replacement and Copying
- and much more
Home security starts with a good Tucson Az residential locksmith who will install high-security locks. If you've just bought your home, it is also important to have all of the equipment inspected and serviced or rekeyed so that no vulnerabilities exist and you can ensure proper control of all keys.
Don’t forget about our garage door repair service - some homeowners don't understand this crucial aspect which can lead them into serious trouble especially considering that broken locks on garage doors are a very common entry point for burglars and thieves. Don't think of us as just a regular locksmith in Tucson...
We're the Best Locksmith Tucson has to offer!
Our Residential Locksmith in Tucson Services Include
- Emergency Lockout Services
- Door Lock Repair and simple lock installation
- Key Cutting
- Residential Door Lock Rekeying
- House lock maintenance
- Car Door Unlocking
- Laser Key Cutting
- Garage door repair
- Key Programming
- keyless entry systems
- Car Lockout Services
- Master key system
- Key fob Programming and Replacement
- Broken key services
- Gun and Document Safe Services
- and much more
The Best Locksmith Service from the Best Locksmith Tucson Az has to offer!

Commercial Locksmith Services
Locks are an important part of any building's security system. Whether you need new installation or maintenance, re-keying for existing locks on your commercial property with the latest technology in keyless entry systems from among our top brands including Samsung - we can help! We offer 24/7 emergency service so call now if there has been a power outage at night time due to storm damage when all other solutions have failed.
A Tucson Az locksmith can provide a wide range of services to meet your business's needs. We offer new lock installation, maintenance, and re-keying for existing locks, safe installation, internal storage (file cabinets, desks, etc.) as well as keyless entry systems with remote monitoring options so you never have an issue on site again! In addition, we provide commercial lockout assistance when it comes time.
Our Commercial Locksmith Services For Businesses include
- Emergency Locksmith Services
- Emergency door unlocking
- Master Key Systems
- Lock Repairs and Broken Key Extraction
- Lock Replacement Including Smart Locks
- Key Cutting Including High-Security Keys
- Fleet Vehicle Lock Rekeying
- Fleet Vehicle Door Unlocking
- Key fob Programming
- Security equipment
- Mortise locks
- Security System Installations
- Emergency Door (fire exit) Maintenance
- Garage door repair
- Lost key replacement
- Key locks
- Business security
- and much more- all your security needs
Our Mobile Locksmith Services are second to none!
If you have a key emergency, Let us send a Tucson Az locksmith! The importance of time and its security can't be overstated, which is why our technicians are trained to respond quickly. We offer affordable solutions that will save you precious minutes when your car keys aren’t working or if someone has broken into the house while everyone was away on vacation - but most importantly for businesses who need their offices opened up as soon as possible so they don’t lose revenue.
Our mobile locksmiths are ready for all of your safety and security challenges and can handle anything from key duplication to advanced car key programming. If you're in the Tucson Az area and have a problem, don't hesitate to call!
We service Tucson and the surrounding area at an affordable price- give us a call today!

High-Security Locks
These locks are made with an extra sturdy design that will make sure you stay safe at home. They're tough enough to keep out even the most determined burglars, so don't worry about your family being targeted by thieves! All of our licensed locksmiths can help when it comes time for repairs or new installation on these high-quality security locks in your home.
Many of our commercial customers need help with access control or master key system set up or maintenance.
If you need a reliable locksmith to go over your options- we've got you covered!

Do locksmiths charge a call-out fee?
Our mobile locksmith service is experiencing high demand. If we have to dispatch one of our mobile locksmith service professionals, and you decide to cancel- there will be a small charge to cover gas and time.
What information do you need to set up an appointment?
Depending on what type of services you need, we may ask for many different things. For vehicles- make, model and year are typically sufficient but we may ask for the Vehicle Identification Number.
For residential service, we may ask about the type of locks currently installed, and if in a condo or building that includes key fob entry, we may ask to speak to the condo association or property manager.
For commercial services, we may ask for much more information- it is usually best to have the on-site facilities manager contact us to schedule a site visit and walk-through to determine the best way to fill your needs.
However it starts, our locksmiths in Tucson will finish it!
How does car key replacement work?
Car key replacement usually includes the purchase of a special blank new key that needs both programming and also the new key to be cut. Some older car keys only need to be cut. Any way you need it, your new keys will be made by our fully licensed technicians. This is a great reason to call for our automotive services.
I think my house keys were stolen, what should I do?
First, don't panic- but do act swiftly. Make necessary reports to the proper authorities and contact us immediately to evaluate rekeying or replacement of the house locks. One of our local locksmiths will help you ensure the security of your home by making the stolen keys useless.
I've heard some doors can be unlocked with a credit card- is that possible?
Not with properly installed modern locks, but...
There are older door knob locks that don't have the proper latch guards installed that can be. If you are suspicious that your locks might be this type, consider replacing them- give us a call, we would be very happy to discuss this with you!
When should I consider rekeying my home?
As stated above- if you think your keys were stolen or lost, now would be a good time to rekey all locks in the home to make sure the house is safe and secure. Many times landlords will rekey a property when there is a tenant change over to limit their liability by ensuring positive control of all keys. Residential services are our specialty.
We are a locally owned Tucson area full-service locksmith are ready to provide you the great customer service and customer satisfaction no other local locksmith has been capable of delivering. If you have been searching for a professional and affordable locksmith in the Tucson area, look no further than us!
Our professional locksmiths are serving Tucson Arizona area with all the local locksmith needs and additional services at a fair price. Let us be your next service call provider.
Service area includes Tucson and the surrounding area including Broadway Blvd, Oracle Rd, Prince Rd Tucson, 24 hours a day- we are your 24 hour locksmith! With our mobile locksmith vans, we bring the shop to you and can also do house locks, key fobs, intel lock key services, business lockouts, panic bars, access control, key one, lock change, broken keys, residential commercial, and other services 24 hours a day- all at an affordable price.
We're available 24 hours so give us a call whenever you need one of our locksmiths in Tucson...
Not the locksmiths Tucson merely wants... we are the affordable price Locksmiths Tucson Needs!
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